Are there any towns in your area that have funny names?

Sheldon Richman:
The Mandated Health Insurance Outrage - How can they make us buy coverage?

Malcolm Hoenlein: 
ElBaradei 'Stooge of Iran'


From LPNY:

The explanation is simple and obvious.

Congress authorized the hiring of over 6000 new IRS agents, starting this January, to enforce Obamacare regulations.

You now have the distinction of being one the first victims of these bloodsucking insects (and the stagnant pool that hatched them!)

--- In, "GaryT"  wrote:
> Ok, can any geniuses out there figure out this one?
> I was watching TV tonight (11pm Jan 31, 2011), and I thought I saw something flutter by my eye - first I thought it was floater, then I thought it was a fly. A bit cold for a fly I thought. 
> Then it seemed to disappear, but then I noticed a jumpy dark spot landing on the back of my hand.
> I couldn't believe it, but I looked closely and yes there there was a healthy adult female mosquito, sucking my blood.
> Now, it is 18deg F outside, and I know that mosquitoes require an incubation as a larvea in a pool of warm water of many days, after hatching from an egg laid by an adult mosquito, so instead of smashing it silly like my automatic response would be, I flicked it somewhat lightly instead. It was stunned, and I put in a small jar.
> So my question is, how the heck is this possible?? It is too cold for a viable mosquito to be around here. This is real mystery to me. I still have the mosquito in the jar so I know I wasn't hallucinating.
> Suggestions anyone?
> Gary T