(05-13-2010) The following is a Suffolk County Liberty Report Exclusive
Ed Walsh threatens Conservative Mike Fitzpatrick
The story of Ed Walsh and the Conservative Party unraveling continues. Jim Teese, Campaign Manager for Mike Fitzpatrick for Congress, confirms the following story.
Early this week, Smithtown Conservative Chair Janine Barbera called Conservative Republican Mike Fitzpatrick and relayed the following message from Suffolk County Conservative Chairman Ed Walsh. “If you don’t drop out of the NY CD1 race, then the Conservative Party will never endorse you for anything ever again.”
What makes this story so preposterous is that NYS Assemblyman Mike Fitzpatrick has been consistently ranked the Assembly’s most Conservative lawmaker.
Here’s what some others are saying;
“Assemblyman Fitzpatrick has shown the courage to stand up for his principals, even in the face of overwhelming pressure….. Fitzpatrick’s voting record has shown him to be the most fiscally responsible member of the State Legislature.” Governor George Pataki
“…Fitzpatrick’s policies are firmly rooted in a conservative philosophy… His intellectual consistency is refreshing.” Newsday Editorial Board
Maybe we should ask Ed Walsh how he could do such a thing to such a deeply rooted Conservative?
Anyway, thought you might be interested in this. Remember, with Ed it’s all about the money. I wonder how much Randolph Altschuler is kickin in for this?
Hon. (really?)
Edward M. Walsh, Jr.
Suffolk County Conservative Chairman’s Club
cordially invite you to their
Annual Chairman’s Club Dinner
U.S. Congressman, Peter T. King
2010 Man of the Year
Conservative Commentator, Monica Crowley
2010 Woman of the Year
2010 “Carrying the Torch” Award Recipients
Monday, May 17th, 2010
Venetian Yacht Club
494 Fire Island Avenue, Babylon, New York
6:00 pm- 7:00 pm – V.I.P. Hour
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Dinner Reception
$300.00/pp – VIP Hour and Dinner Reception
$200.00/pp – Dinner Reception
$2,500.00 – Dinner Sponsors + 4 VIP Tickets
$1,000.00 – Beverage Sponsor + 2 VIP Tickets
$700.00 – Cocktail Sponsor + 1 VIP Ticket
Please make checks payable to:
Suffolk County Conservative Chairman’s Club
P.O. Box 2; Bayport, NY 11705-0100
For questions please contact Bill @ (631) 513-8251
Remember about the School Board and Budget Voting on the 18th.
Get out!!!!!!
Vote for Mary Meyer—-Riverhead School Board. Let’s also let everyone know other people who should receive our real conservative votes. We at least have a choice in these elections!!!
I have never heard anything but good things about Mr. Fitzpatrick. He is a highly respected man who has proven himself to be a flawless representative of the people.
Ed Walsh seems hell bent on proving himself to be an absolutely wreched man…or is it perhaps the company he has been keeping lately? How dare he level threats to a true blue, proven conservative?
Obviously, Randy the Joker and “Johnny come lately” carpetbagger is having some trouble mustering up a following in Smithtown…and why should he when Mr. Fitzpatrick has been there for the people for years and is a bonafide conservative?
Talk about not passing the smell test, this thing couldn’t stink more if it were a massive sun baked bucket of chum.
Ed Walsh is nothing more than a street bully. You know what they say, “what goes around, comes around.” Keep it up Ed–how more many bridges can you burn?