"Now, Ms., excuse me Mother Teresa, it's true that you have never been able to lift yourself out of poverty, isn't it? In fact, you are not a 'Mother' at all, in the normal meaning of the word, are you?

"In fact, it's true that you have been unable to hold a paying job for fifty years? ... In fact, you have never been hired by anybody to do anything for which they have paid you money, isn't that correct?" [He] pauses, steps a couple of steps to the side, and stares at the nonexistent ...

"You never graduated from a university, did you?" His tone becomes a little more forceful. "Isn't it true, Mother Teresa, that you have spent your entire life dedicated to an exclusionary religious organization which believes that mos people on earth are going to hell? An organization which does not allow women to be in leadership roles? An organization which led crusades to the Middle East to subdue the indigenous people there? ... "

"An organization which believes that its male leader is infallible in issues of its exclusionary religious positions?" By now, the partners are in shock, everybody is staring at him, and he closes in for the kill. "Do you believe yourself to be infallible, Mother Teresa? Do you believe your testimony today to be infalible?"

So, then his last questionfor her: "Mother Teresa, isn't it true that your face is alleged to have appeared miraculously on a cinnamon bun in Tennesee?"