abortion.html | Abortion: Not for Women Only
What difference would it make -- to feminists -- if it could be shown that all men support legalized abortion?
affirmative-action.html |
Affirmative Action, Negative Justice
anarchism.html | Liberty Against Anarchy: An Open (Though Posthumous) Letter to Roy Childs
Failure to distinguish what can and cannot be private has been central to most of the controversies surrounding “free market anarchism.”
anarchy.html | Anarchy, State, and Morality
antisemitism.html | What Will the Goyim Think About the Neocons? The Politics of Anti-Semitism
There's just no appeal to the minds of the mindless. Bigotry is hatred that has no reason and requires none.
arms.html | Grouped Hits on the Second Amendment
arms2.html | The Attack on Self-Defense
The life-or-death issue that the gun debate will always be about.
atlas.html | Is Atlas Ever Shrugging?
chomsky.html | Who Would Be a Free Man? The Political Economy of Noam Chomsky
church-n-state.html | Knocking OVER the Wall: The Suppression of Church by State
What does Jefferson's metaphor really mean?
compulsory.html | "Compulsory Education": A Contradiction of Realities
Compulsion and education -- force and thought -- are related like darkness and light: the presence of one is the absence of the other.
denying.html | Denying the Other Holocausts
history will always be at a disadvantage when contending with the
mythic power of irrational prejudices, it must contend nonetheless
... And if history matters, its practitioners matter even more."
discrimination.html |
In Defense of (the Freedom of) Discrimination
A government that persecuted people who wanted to associate with those different from themselves has inverted into one that persecutes people who don’t want to.
diversity.html | Demographic Diversity: Left vs. Right vs. Reality
What would the contemporary promoters of “equality” consider a just and “natural” — i.e., evincive of a total absence of any form of bias — outcome?
doublestandards.html |
Dictatorships and Double Standards Redux
We should denounce and marginalize
those who propagate the ideas that inspired Stalin
just as surely as we denounce and marginalize
those who propagate the ideas that inspired Hitler.
economics.html | Economics: A Trialogue
What this science can teach us.
edfirst.html | Education and the First Amendment
The specter of censorship is less an argument against giving
tax dollars to vouchers schools than an argument for withdrawing
tax dollars from all schools, which would effectively grant to
education the same freedom given to religion, speech and the
education.html |
Freedom of Education: A Civil Liberty
So why not defend educational liberty with the
same commitment given to, say, religious liberty?
evolution.html |
The Intellectual Chaos of "Intelligent Design"
evolution2.html | Truth and Falsification
Can science say anything about religion?
falwell.html | An Open Letter to the Reverend Jerry Falwell
A minister cannot deliver a simple sermon on personal morality
for fear of government reprisal?
feminism.html |
Feminism: Selected Contentions
What "feminism" meant ... and came to mean.
history.html | History as Heresy: The Socialist Immolation of Reality
What does a bin Laden-recommended author consider a "Cold War myth" — and why?
immigration.html |
Keep 'Em Out? Kick 'Em Out!
Being a long-time defender of "open borders," I have a question I've been fairly dying to ask those on the opposite side of the divide:
induction.html | A (Very Brief) Defense of Induction
jurynull.html | "A Government of Laws Instead of Men" The Verdict on Jury Nullification
In this Brave New World of crime and punishment, jurors are no longer charged with the responsibility of determining only whether the accused actually broke the law -- "guilty" or "not guilty." Now, it is theirs to decide -- by God knows what standard -- whether the law should apply to the case before them.
labor.html |
"A Race to the Bottom"
But perhaps the real question is why activists, polemicists, and politicians
continue to see strife and misfortune
where the economist sees harmony and opportunity.
leftism.html |
Requiem for the Left
It was only the belief in this "call" -- this façade -- that kept the Left alive.
liberalism.html |
Liberalism: History and Future
The mixed economy doesn't present us with a mosaic portrait of the just society,
but with a jigsaw of pieces taken from different puzzles.
marx.html |
A Due Answer
Once output is seen as a function of numerous inputs, and the inputs as supplied by more than one class of people, the notion that surplus value arises from labor becomes plainly arbitrary and unsupported.
modlib.html |
Modern Liberalism at Wit's End
Corporate socialism and Communist socialism are of course not twin totalitarianisms, but they are kindred Orwellianisms:
obfopo.html |
The (Tangled) Roots of Objectivist Foreign Policy
If the Objectivists recognize the necessity of "clarification in today's intellectual chaos," then why does Objectivist Y continue to uphold as a principle what Objectivist X has rejected as "a contradiction in terms"?
philosophy.html |
Leonard Peikoff vs. Philosophy
He maintains that while philosophy produced Objectivism, it may not review, let alone revise, its own product.
poverty.html | What About the Poor?
We don't need state charities for the same reason we don't need state churches, state families, or state anything else, i.e.,
progressivism.html | The Meaning of "Progressive" Politics
In a public square increasingly devoid of common referents, forward-and-back, much like left-and-right, reveals neither where someone is coming from nor what he’s going after.
racism.html |
The Mirage of Racist America—and the Reality of the Racist Left
America’s problem is not a racist society, but racist socialists. Collectivists cannot stop racism because racism is collectivism—the valuing of a reification over flesh-and-blood-and-brains individuals.
reactionary.html | What's Really Reactionary
And there, to meet all the Left's theories (Marxist and variant) of history, is our theory of the history of the Left:
rightism.html |
"Sock It to the Left!" The Rise of the Spite Right
The "conservatism" of today isn't that of Taft or Goldwater. It arguably isn't even that of a "Religious Right," since it seeks not to serve any God, but only to stomp its Devil.
rightism2.html |
"Owning the Libs" How the Spite Right Became the Trump Right
selfishness.html | What’s So Selfish About Capitalism
If that is “selfishness,” let us make the most of it.
skepticism.html | After-Dinner Conversation
How certain is uncertainty?
social-justice.html | An Inquiry Concerning "Social Justice" and Its Influence
Here the lesson of socialism teaches what should have been learned from the lesson of pre-liberal despotism ...
suburbia.html | Saving Suburbia? The Idiocy of "Smart Growth"
If there's already too much "sprawl," what's the logical solution?
supremecourt.html |
The Strange Case of Justice Breyer and Mr. B.
There cannot be anything more horrific than allowing the Constitution -- the palladium of our national unity -- to become anyone's weapon in the culture wars.
supremecourt2.html | Supreme Court Expansion: An Illiberal Scheme
“Exactly where in the Constitution does it say that the Supreme Court must have nine members?”
tariffs.html | Buy American? Sell American!
Whom does protectionism protect?
trade.html | Anti-Trade: A Vortex of Absurdity
Applied consistently, the policy of anti-trade
would transform the entire world into a deserted island on which
we are each of us stranded all alone.
wages.html | The Minimum Wage: Cui Bono?
war-n-taxes.html |
To Refuse Allegiance to the State
Who owes government what?
waronterror.html | Letter to a Conservative Friend
Military preemption -- the "Bush Doctrine" -- is nothing but global gun control.